Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Signing off

It's been a blast. I'm signing off blogger. You can go to my new blog . . drumroll please . . .

geekpastor.net ha! Sometimes you need to be able to laugh at yourself.

Anyways it has been a blast.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend in Review

Our God is an awesome God. We sang this in worship this morning. As we did the rain poured down, the lightning flashed, and the thunder sounded. Talk about theophany!

Lights went out during the middle of worship. But there is a greater power at work in us. It is the power of God and we had worship in spite of all that. God's power trumped Satan's power this morning. Our God is an awesome God.

I should show you a picture of my forehead. I got knocked in the head by a box spring as I helped my brother and sister-in-law move this weekend. I told everyone at church this morning that they should have seen the other guy =).

Mowed lawn for the first time this year on Friday. It will be the first of many throughout the summer. I enjoy it however, because it is an excuse to be outside in God's creation.

Looking forward to the week ahead. Going to a leadership seminar called Zero-to-Sixty by Bob Franquiz. Always looking for ways to learn and grow as a leader.

One Month to Live Testimony 3

Ed and Carolyn share about their son Nick.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New lolchurch.net is launched

We have launched a new version of lolchurch.net. There are still a few things to be added and we are working out a few more bugs. But we are off and running.

Friday, April 24, 2009

No one knows the day nor the hour

But I will say that the days of this blog are numbered . . . 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

All the top Church news

Wow! In my last post I talked about too much info. Check out this site: church.alltop.com . It is enough to make your head spin. You could not begin to read all that.

I wonder who determined that this was the the top news? I wonder where the Good News fits in?

Too Much Information

God has put a dream on your heart. But one thing that will rob you of that dream is distraction. Life is filled with choices. Too often from this myriad of choices, we choose priorities other than the priorities God has chosen for us and it leads us away from his dream for us.

God's Word says: "Be careful how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 We need to heed this verse more than ever before.

These are complex times. In the information age we have so much thrown at us. We have all these gadgets and gizmos that supposedly make our lives easier, but the reality is that they often make our lives more complicated.

Here is an interesting video on the subject:http://pastorpr.blogspot.com/2009/04/what-does-it-mean.html

It goes to show how much more we have to process today than ever before. There are 540,000 words in the English language today which is 5 times more than Shakespeare had. Every day the number of text messages sent by cell phone users exceeds the population of the planet. The amount of information we have doubles every two years. These are incredible statistics.

All this leads to overload. We overload our brains. We overload our schedules. We overload our limits. We try to do it all. We try to learn it all. But it is all too much. Too much to process.

It's time to go back to the Word! It's time to focus! Live as wise! If you had only one month to live, the distractions would fall away so much easier. You would not try to do it all, but only that which is most important.

We don't need to wait. We can start today. Don't let the distractions rob you of the dream God has put upon your heart. It may take a little bit of effort, but in the end it will be all worth it.

Have a great week pursuing the dream!
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