Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Politics and Church

Note: I will be on vacation next week. There will be no “Weekly Email” until I return the following week.

Politics are difficult to talk about in Church. Politics are something that often divide us, yet when we come together as a Church we seek to be united. Politics are not the only thing - there are many forces in this world that seek to tear us apart. That is why it is so important for us to follow Jesus’ example to practice grace and forgiveness and that we seek to listen and understand one another more than we seek to preach to each other.

There is no doubt with the transition in the Presidency of the United States, there has been a change in regards to many controversial policies. As a church we must affirm the truth, but speak it in love. We must affirm our creator God as the author and sustainer of life and that he alone holds the right to give it and take it away. We affirm that he is the author and creator of marriage and that his design in Genesis was for marriage to be between one man and one woman.

In a recent statement, Rev. Gerald Kieschnick, the President of our Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, stated on abortion:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), since its inception, has steadfastly proclaimed the miracle of human life from conception until natural death. As we march with other concerned Americans, we underscore our belief that Christ Jesus sanctified all human life by His birth, life, death, and resurrection for all mankind.

In regards to same sex marriage:

We pray that all people, especially men and women properly united as husbands and wives, will honor God's divinely ordained relationship of marriage. We do so with the deep conviction that God intends marriage to be a picture of the relationship that exists between Christ and His bride, the Church. And we pray that all husbands and wives will give thanks to God for the blessings of marriage—loving, honoring, and cherishing one another, even as Christ does the Church.

Regardless if you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or whatever – we are blessed to live in a nation that offers the privilege of freedom of speech. We are blessed to be able to have a voice that can be heard.

It is important that as a church we use that voice to speak in behalf the 50 million children that have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade, who had no voice. It is important to speak in behalf of the many women who hide their voice in guilt and regret after having an abortion. It is important we speak in behalf of God’s design and plan for life and marriage. But we always do so with love!

There will be times when we disagree with our leaders and their policies. There will be times when we will grievously disagree with them. But no matter who holds “office” we pray for them as one whom God has established as an authority (Romans 13:1-2). There is not a politician on either side of the aisle who is perfectly free of blemish (whether is name is George W. Bush, John McCain, Barack Obama, Rod Blagojevich). It is sometimes easy to see the speck in the eyes of the other side without seeing the plank in our own.

In the end, we recognize our mission is to go and make disciples of all nations. Our mission is not to change politics, but to bring transformation to hearts and lives for Jesus Christ. When lives are changed, everything else will follow. We pray for REVIVAL in our nation and that we would truly be a nation that could say, “In GOD we trust!”

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