Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who are you going to invite?

We are a go and tell church, not a wait and see church. Remember! We heard last Sunday that Jesus went into Galilee to preach the good news. He didn't wait for people to come to him. He did not take the passive approach, but took the initiative to go to them. This took boldness and courage, but he was going to live out loud the purpose and the mission that he came to this earth for.

The story in first chapter of Mark goes on to say that he invited Simon Peter and Andrew to come and follow him. A bit later he does the same with James and John. He extended the invitation to them to come and experience something more than fishing for fish, but to follow him and become fishers of men. Talk about going from the mediocre to something that was meaningful!

In the next couple of months, we want to give you the opportunity to go and invite. We have some exciting things on the horizon at Lord of Life. The first opportunity to extend an invitation will be on Saturday, February 21 when will be showing "Fireproof" the movie at Lord of Life. It is an excellent movie about "fireproofing" your marriage. This is an event for couples. The cost for Lord of Life couples is $20 and includes the movie, popcorn, drinks, and the Love Dare 40 Day Devotional Challenge Guide. However, the event is free to any friends you might invite.

Beyond that, not too far around the corner, is Easter. I want to encourage you today to start considering and praying for 3 other people to invite to Easter services. Start praying now for the opportunity you to ask them and for God to open their hearts to be open to the invitation.

I know we all have three people who we can invite. If you don't know who they are, ask that God will reveal them to you. I am sure that he will.

On Easter Sunday this year we will be extending a One Month to Live Challenge to everyone. We will challenge everyone in attendance on that day to live the next month as if it were their last. It is sure to transform the way we live an the way we gather as a church.

Whether it is extending an invitation, sharing the gospel, offering to pray for someone, extending an act of generosity or kindness to another person - ask yourself: "how can I go and tell?"

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