Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Weekend in Review

This was a good weekend in more ways than one.

Yesterday, I took some members of our praise team at Lord of Life to a worship seminar in Rockford ( The seminar was led by Tom Kraeuter. Enjoyed it much and was able to take away a few things to use in the near future.

Today, I preached on the importance of God's Word. My main emphasis is that the Bible is not something we worship. We worship God and the Bible is a tool that God gives to us to show us how to worship him. Let's open it up!

We also had a blood drive at Lord of Life. This was the third time I have given blood. The previous two I had practically passed out. But not this time. I passed with flying colors.

Enjoyed a beautiful day outside with the family. Abby was showing off riding her tricycle and we took some time to fly a kite. It takes a lot longer to bring the kite back in than it does to get it flying.

Grilled out for the first time this year! That was exciting.

We also got notification tonight that Barbara's student loans from Virginia Tech are now officially paid off. We are out from under that debt. Hooray!

Looking for an exciting week ahead.

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