Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Prayer for the Season

Lord, this is a busy time of the year. Many of us find ourselves tired, worn, out and burned out. More than looking forward to the celebration of the birth of our Savior, we are looking forward to when it will all be over. A quieter day, without parties to attend, presents to buy, meals to prepare, travel plans to arrange, relatives to accommodate, children to corral, weather to contend with, crowds to fight . . .

Lord right now we hear your Word . . . be still . . . be still . . . be still . . . and know that I am God. We know that when Jesus faced the crowds, the hustle and bustle of his ministry . . . he would retreat. He would go to a quiet place and spend time with you in intimacy.

Right now Lord, we silence our hearts, we silence our mind, we silence the distractions, the worries, the anxieties, the to do lists, the cell phone, right now let it be between you and us. Help each of us to quiet ourselves so that we can hear you speak that ever still small voice. Help us to quiet our souls that your voice would be so loud that we cannot ignore it or avoid it . . . Lord, speak right now what we need to hear in the quiet . . .

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