Saturday, April 18, 2009

Twitter Not for Me

Twitter has experienced incredible growth as of late. The big news story is that Ashton Kuchar recently surpassed 1,000,000 followers, beating CNN to the mark. 

For some time now I have resisted the urge to Twitter. And I contine to resist the urge. It is just one more thing. I am on Facebook and I think that is good - I think. I don't obsess about Facebook. I check in every couple of days.

Twitter sounds interesting, but we all are busy enough and this just adds one more thing to our busy schedules. On top of that I am more intersted to hear what God has to say than some overhyped celebrity. 

So for now, I am saying no to twitter. Plus, I don't think it has infiltrated our area like it has other areas of the country. But we will see. If it could be used as an effective tool for outreach, I might consider. I am just not sure of the value twitter adds to what we've already got. 

We'll see. Web 2.0 is here to stay. It will be interesting to see if twitter is a fad or if it is here to stay. Twitter has come a long way from when I first heard about it, but it still has a long way to go to reach the status of say a facebook - nor do I think it will. But what do I know - I thought text messaging was stupid. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another way to avoid people in face to face honesty. Dumbest twitter I saw-"hey I going to the bathroom" "hey good for you"
geez. Stick with face to face or the phone (remember those?). Email, twitter, facebook, blogs,...just another way to avoid relationship. You should know better.

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