Monday, September 15, 2008

Exceeding Expectations

On Sunday night I watched Carlos Zambrano throw the first Chicago Cubs no hitter in more than 30 years. This was unexpected. Even more so considering the fact that he had been experiencing shoulder discomfort, a death nail for a pitcher in the big leagues. But the show that Carlos put on went well beyond the expectations of anyone who who calls themselves a Cubs fan.

I had given a passing thought of driving up to Milwaukee to watch this game. In the end I decided to stay home. I did not consider it worth the drive. I did not EXPECT to happen, what happened. Looking back, I wish I would have gone.

What does it mean to exceed expectations? Consider a time in your life when your expectations were exceeded. How did it make you feel? How did you respond?

Often times exceeding expectations is just doing the little things well. It is focusing in on the details. Sometimes it is just taking an extra 30 seconds to add a personal touch. Sometimes it is just picking up the phone. Sometimes it's remembering a name. Sometimes it is planning ahead. Sometimes it is just a smile. Sometimes it is a kind act of shere generosity.

Exceeding expectations is about doing what others will not do or are unable to do. Jesus exceeded expectations and continues to exceed expectations. He healed the sick, he gave sight to the blind, he took on the religious establishment, he associated with sinners, he washed his discples feet, he died on the cross, and he rose from the dead. Talk about exceeding expectations. He continues to do the same. Jesus never ceases to amaze me.

Yes, Jesus was all about exceeding expectations and he calls us to the same. Imagine the impact for the kingdom you could make by exceeding expectations. Imagine the impact in your family. Imagine the impact in your work. Imagine the impact in your church. Imagine the impact in a person that may not yet know Jesus as their Savior.

Let's go beyond, because we have a Savior who went beyond for us.

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