Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Devil is in the Technology (Part 1)

Technology is a wonderful thing. I will be the first to admit I love technology. I love to be able to use technology in creative ways to enhance the message that we have been called to proclaim as the Church. I believe that the message of Jesus Christ is relevant for any age, but it is so important that as a Church we adapt the way we communicate the message that it continues to remain relevant.

Technology is not something that is to be feared, but something that is to be embraced. Think of the potentially hundreds, thousands, and millions more we can reach because of the Internet.

More people will probably vote this year for the American Idol than for the American President. Some may say this is sad, and it probably is. But maybe the reason that more people will vote for the American Idol is because it is much easier to do so because of the technology. There is no need to physically go to a polling place on a specific day to cast your vote.

I recently began a Senior Pastor's Coaching Network that is done via a conference call and the Internet. This is training and instruction I am receiving in my office once a month without the cost of travel. Once again, this is a wonderful blessing of technology.

Certainly the Internet and technology save us time and money, but it also costs us time and money - and potentially more. As much as God can use the technology, I am convinced the Devil is in the technology. As Christians we need to be very careful with how we use the technology. There is much temptation in this world, and many a Christian have fallen as a result of the dangers that exist.

More and more, I am recognizing the pitfalls that are out there. I would not recommend abandoning technology, but to develop an awareness and provide ways and means to monitor your habits and usage so that you don't get too close to the fire.

The most obvious danger when it comes to the the Internet and technology is the content of the Internet. Pornography is a huge industry. It brings in more than the NBA, NFL, and MLB combined. This is alarming.

The church is by no means immune from this. 48% of Christian families admit that pornography is a problem in their homes and few churches ever do anything to address the issue.

The Internet has done nothing but to make pornography more readily accessible. It is not only available in the dark alleys, but now on the main street. The reality is that pornography is not going away anytime soon.

But there is help out there. One resource is xxxchurch.com. It is a unique way -using technology - that the church has stepped up to this growing problem. This website is a bit controversial in the church. But the way I see it is that they are working to address the issue. Not everyone may agree with how they are addressing it, but at least they are doing something.

Also available from xxxchurch.com is accountability software that you can use with the help a accountability partner. We can all use accountability in this area and I would encourage you to check it out.

Not only are we impacted by this, but our children are impacted as well. Our children are now exposed at an ever younger age. As parents it is important for us to be proactive rather than reactive. Whether it is filtering or monitor our children's usage we cannot neglect this important role of protecting our children. At the same time we need to talk with our children about the dangers that they understand why we filter and why we monitor.

We need to expose our children to the world in the right settings so that when they are adults and begin to make more decisions on their own, they will have a good head on their shoulders and be able to make the right decision without mom or dad around.

Pornography is not the only way that he devil is in the technology, we will discuss these in upcoming posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another good one is Covenant Eyes accountability software. Can't be circumvented like X3 and takes time to score and rate every website. Very robust! www.CovenantEyes.com

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