Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bunch of Stuff

I am going to give you a few bullet points in my weekly email, as there are a good number of things I wanted to share. I apologize if my email is more informational than inspirational this week.
  • First, thank you for your prayers on Tuesday. It was a wonderful experience and a great honor to pray for the work of our State Senate. I understand that the online video was not working very well. It might have been related to the fact that they started a half hour late.
  • Have you got your tickets for the Seder Dinner yet? This Sunday, March 28, will be your last opportunity. The dinner will be on April 5 (Palm Sunday) at 5pm. The Seder Dinner is the traditional dinner Jesus shared with his disciples the night he was betrayed. It is a great worship and learning experience filled with insight on the Lord's Supper.
  • We are now a little over two weeks away from Easter. Do you know who you are planning on inviting yet? People are more receptive to an invitation to come to Easter services than at any other time of year. Consider three people to invite who might actually say yes. You will not know unless you take the chance.
  • I want to invite you again to join me and our Lord of Life staff for fasting and prayer on Wednesdays at noon. We meet in the Fellowship Center. We will be there the next two Wednesdays leading up to Easter. The next two weeks we want to pray for the preparation for Easter that it will be an incredible celebration and we will see many people come to faith in Christ.
  • The One Month to Live Campaign will kick off on Easter Sunday. You can participate in this challenge in two different ways besides attending the Sunday morning worship. One is by participating in a One Month to Live Group. We currently have 7 groups (we are praying for more) that are participating in this church wide campaign. If you would like to participate in a OMTL group, we will be hosting sign ups for the groups on the connection cards on Sunday morning starting April 5. So make sure to keep an eye out for that. (If your group would be interested in participating or if you would be interested in leading a group, just reply back to this email and we will get you set up.) Finally, you will be able to purchase the book One Month to Live on either Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday at Lord of Life. The book is divided into 30 short daily readings for you to work through on your own or with a partner.
  • On Palm Sunday Dr. Harry Wendt of Crossways International will be our guest speaker. We look forward to hosting him at Lord of Life and anticipate with great excitement the message he will bring.
  • Finally, we will wrap up our current message series - Holy Habits, Wholly Living - this weekend. We will be discussing the Holy Habit of Prayer. Come discover the key to effective prayer.
Have a great end of the work week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, the Lord's Day!

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