Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How is God speaking to You?

We have come to the second week of our fasting challenge. I pray that you have been encouraged as you have practiced this discipline. No one said it would be easy. It is hard. Real hard! No doubt you have been hungry. No doubt you have wanted something to eat. If we only hungered as much for Jesus and His Word!

When we put it into perspective, it is not nearly as hard as what Jesus willingly endured upon the cross for us. He gave up his life. Not only did he give up his life, but it was an agonizing death he suffered. When we fast, it helps us to put into perspective the depth of his love and the great lengths he went to save us from our sin.

Last Sunday, I added quiet solitude to go along with fasting. We live such fast paced busy lives. We have so much to get done. We often feel as if there are not enough minutes in a day.

But the reality is that God gave us just enough time to accomplish the significant purpose for which we were created. If you have more to do than you have time to get it done. Then you are doing too much. You are doing more than God intended for you to do. God in his infinite wisdom created 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 365 days in a year. He has numbered your days, so that you can complete all that you were made to do.

If you are doing so much that you don't have time to stop, that is precisely the reason you need to stop. It is time to be quiet and to listen to the voice of God. When we take the time to listen to God, he speaks to us to give us a higher perspective, to sort out his priorities, to build our faith, to renew our strength, and to grow us to spiritual maturity. In other words, it is in the quiet that we discover God's effectiveness and efficiency to accomplish all that he has called us to accomplish.

So make sure to take that time this week. Spend some quiet time with him. Listen to hear what he has to say to you. The quiet may not be something you are comfortable with. All I can say is try it. Discover the blessing!

I leave you this week the 23rd Psalm redo that I shared on Sunday. Some of you had requested a copy of this. So I am glad to share:

The Lord is my strength, I shall not panic;
He helps me relax and rest in quiet trust.
He reminds me that I belong to Him and restores my serenity;
He leads me in my decisions and gives me calmness of mind.
His presence is peace.
Even though I walk through the valley of the fear of failure,
I will not worry, for He will be with me.
His truth, grace, and lovingkindness will stabilize me.
He prepares release and renewal in the midst of my stress.
He anoints my mind with wisdom;
My cup overflows with fresh energy.
Surely goodness and mercy will be communicated through me,
For I shall walk in the strength of my Lord,
And dwell in His presence forever. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor, You are correct in saying that we are to meditate on His word. However, Mr. Redlin's blog indicated that at your service 2 weeks ago that you had the Bible put aside and just to listen to what God might say. Meditating on the Scriptures is the only safe way to meditate. What it sounds like you are doing is having people empty their minds. That's transcendental meditation, whether you're sitting in a church pew or a yoga class. The Holy Spirit fills up, the other kind empties the mind and other demonic spirits are allowed in. Why do you persist in letting the wolves eat your people? You are supposed to be a shepherd, ready to lay his life down for his wayward sheep. Please heed this warning. You are in serious doctrinal error. Repent before its too late.

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