Monday, March 16, 2009

What if you had one month to live?

What if you were told that you had one month to live? How would it affect you? How would you change what you are doing today? What regrets would you work to resolve?

The reality is that most of us will live past the next 30 days. However, our time on this earth is limited. We get one life to live and one opportunity to make the most of it.

I believe that by embracing our mortality and the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, we can live this life to the fullest. We are able to embrace the time we have on this earth. Rather than postponing and putting off our dreams for which God created us for, we will strive with all we have to complete the race. Too many of us live with a "someday" mentality, but that "someday" is "today."

For he (God) says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2

On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the same time we will celebrate the life we are given through his resurrection. I am talking not just about the difference for eternal life in heaven, but the difference the resurrection makes to allow us to live a no-regrets lifestyle while we are still on this earth. Because Jesus lives we too can live full and complete lives.

Today, I want to challenge you to consider taking the One Month to Live Challenge. 30 Days to a no-regrets lifestyle starting on Easter Sunday. You can take part in this challenge in one of two ways. The first will be reading the book "One Month to Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook. This book contains 30 daily readings to guide you through the One Month to Live Challenge. The second opportunity is to join one of our study groups that will be working through the One Month to Live study guides. These groups will meet for 6 weeks and sign ups for these groups will be available over the next couple of Sundays leading up to Easter.

The biggest regrets we will have when we get to heaven, will not so much be the things that we did. Our biggest regrets will be the things that we failed to do. By taking the One Month to Live Challenge we will be empowered to live to embrace every opportunity before us that when we look back we will do so with no regrets.

1 comment:

Gene said...

After you announced this series, I thought about it.

If I had a month to live, I don't know I would do much different at all.

Other than to tell people I loved them.

Maybe as I get older I have no regrets nor unachieved ambitions that I am aware of.

Maybe that's why getting older has benefits.

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